Elizabeth Loftus has done several studies demonstrating how memory fallibility has real-world consequencesUsing leading questions, participants have reconstructed memories incorrectly.g) Persistence-remembering one thing over and over.e) Suggestibility-someone tells you something and you believe it.d) Misattribution-not knowing where we learned something or who told us.c) Blocking-knowing something but unable to produce it.b) Absent-mindedness-do something over, or forget something intended.a) Transience-memory fades differentially.Tended to omit information that did not make sense to the participants.Subjects were good at recalling "gist" information.Bartlett (1932) was the first to demonstrate distortions for prose.Having retrieval cues can help us recall more information, but cues can also lead to errors.Prior experience influences how we recall information.Primacy Effect-remember first items better Recency Effect-remember last items better Retroactive: new memories interfere with recall of old information.Proactive: old memories interfere with recall of new information.Decay theory-Memory is weakened with disuse.PROCESSES OF FORGETTING AND MEMORY DISTORTIONS Is the memory still there but cannot retrieve it (available, but not accessible)?.
#Parallel processing psychology serial
Townsend (1971) stated it was mathematically impossible to distinguish parallel from serial.Corcoran (1971) proposed that a parallel model could also explain the pattern found.D illustrates self-terminating serial processing.C illustrates exhaustive serial processing.How many items were in the set the participants had to memorize.Participant must indicate if the probe was in the set.Self-terminating means that after target is found the search stops.Exhaustive indicates that all items in the set are examined.Is the search exhaustive or self-terminating?.Parallel means all items are processed at once.Avoiding encoding by making yourself changing environment.Mnemonics work best for serial recall items.Keyword system-sounds of foreign words interactively linked with sounds (beurre->bear->bear eating butter).Acrostics-make a sentence (On old Olympus's towering heights.).Method of loci-associate items with places previously memorized (rooms of house).Pegword system-use rhymes and previously memorized list (one/bun, two/shoe.).Interactive images-create images out of items interacting with each other.Categorical clustering-put items into categories.Elaborative Rehearsal-make items more meaningful Distributed practice is better than massed practice.Elaborative rehearsal is better than maintenance rehearsal.Integrating new information into stored information.Transfer of Information from Short-term Memory to Long-TermMemory The issue here is when do we use different encoding strategies in LTM?ī.d) all are used in STM encoding but acoustic is the main encoding.Cognitive Psychology Chapter 6 Outline Chapter 6 Memory Processes