Available on Mac and Windows PC, but Linux is still an option going forward. Songs of Conquest strategy adventure game releases on Steam Early Access and GOG. Including managing resources and exploring the rich and unique fantasy world. All while using the games’ unique combat system and optimizing build orders.

Due to raise the ultimate fantasy empire, players must focus on developing war strategies. While they battle monsters and dominate enemies. As well as powerful combat magicians, ‘Wielders,’ as they undertake quests. In a land teaming with magic and hope, they will command armies of amazing beings. One where players will shape the fate of their kingdom. Songs of Conquest is a classic adventure strategy game. Songs of Conquest - Early Access Launch Trailer

Andrai alla ricerca di tesori, combatterai mostri, ottimizzerai le tue strategie di combattimento e costruzione per sconfiggere. But in the case of Linux support, it comes down to “cost vs return on investment and also time.” So Lavapotion only offers, “a Linux port might happen, but I can’t promise it now.” But we do have a heap of interest across multiple Discussion threads. Che tipo di gioco é Songs of Conquest Songs of Conquest é un gioco a turni nel quale costruirai regni, formerai armate e controllerai potenti maghi chiamati Custodi. Yes, other developers have managed all three platforms.
Due to remain there for “about one year.” So the fact that the developer has both Mac and Windows PC support is impressive. As stated above Proton support is at a Platinum level. So in case your wondering, Songs of Conquest is developed in Unity 3D. The best I can give you right now is that we have had Alpha testers using Proton and playing the game for almost a year. I can’t promise a Linux port right now, because we are still swamped with things like hot fixing bugs.

Additionally, you can find new information about the game and sign up for the newsletter on its updated official website.I know the Linux gaming community is passionate and I feel a bit bad for not having full Linux support on launch. Songs of Conquest is set to release in early 2022, and the game is currently available to Wishlist on Steam, EGS and GOG. Wage battle against armies that dare oppose you and hunt for powerful artifacts. Lead powerful magicians called Wielders and venture to lands unknown. Songs of Conquest is a turn-based strategy game inspired by 90’s classics. Additionally, an in-game level editor will be available at launch allowing players to create their own adventures, from scripting in-game events to controlling the soundtrack, writing the dialogue and sharing their unique campaigns with others. Songs of Conquest New trailer + Early Access date reveal Author: Liso1 March 25. Strategy gaming fans will be able to explore a rich single player story-driven campaign or test their mettle against their friends in local or online multiplayer.